Roman Spitzer © Ramsey Spencer

Roman Spitzer

Roman Spitzer was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, commencing his violin studies with Prof. S. Zabejinsky, and continuing at the Rimsky Korsakov Music College with Prof. V. Mazel. After emigrating to Israel in 1990, he continued his viola studies at the Tel Aviv Academy of Music with Gad Lewertoff, and was appointed Principal Viola of the Tel Aviv Symphony Orchestra, playing at the same time in the New Tel Aviv String Quartet which has won several prizes in various competitions. He also participated in an International Quartet Festival in Tel Aviv. In 2000 Roman Spitzer was appointed Principal Viola of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and in 2016 Principal Viola of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. He currently teaches in Israel and at the Rotterdam Academy of Music Codarts, participates in festivals and gives international masterclasses for viola and chamber music.

Photo by Ramsey Spencer

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With great regret and after much deliberation, we have reached the difficult decision to cancel this year’s festival due to the current security situation.

All ticket holders will be fully refunded.
We hope for better times.

The next concert will start according to the program. The program is here.

The concerts will remain available on our YOUTUBE channel for future viewing after the live broadcast.

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