Mark Karlinsky Photo Dovile Sermokas

Mark Karlinsky

Mark Karlinsky studied with Anna Rosnovsky at the ‘Musicians for Tomorrow’ school (founded by Maxim Vengerov), continuing with Irina Etigon (a former student of David Oistrakh) and with Michaela Martin at the Barenboim-Said Academy in Berlin. In Israel he has participated since 2015 in the Jerusalem Music Centre’s programme for outstanding young musicians. He has been supported by scholarships from the America-Israel Foundation, Buchman-Heyman Foundation, and the Zfunot Tarbut Foundation. Karlinsky has appeared as a soloist with the Israel Philharmonic and Israel Camerata orchestras, and performed throughout Europe, and in New York at the Lincoln Center and the UN headquarters. In 2020-2021 he took part in the TONALi Academy, a creative artists’ community based in Hamburg.

Photo by Dovile Sermokas

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With great regret and after much deliberation, we have reached the difficult decision to cancel this year’s festival due to the current security situation.

All ticket holders will be fully refunded.
We hope for better times.

The next concert will start according to the program. The program is here.

The concerts will remain available on our YOUTUBE channel for future viewing after the live broadcast.

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