Ticket Prices

6 concerts870 ₪Please note the special concert on 6.9.24 at 12:00 is not included in the package.
5 concerts770 ₪Please note the special concert on 6.9.24 at 12:00 is not included in the package.
Special Concert 6.9.24320 ₪
Senior citizens: 295 ₪
All other concerts:
Single concert170 ₪ 
Senior citizens140 ₪ 
Students60 ₪
subject to availability, on presentation of a valid student card
Free entrance for soldiers
subject to availability, on presentation of valid documentation
Last minute tickets100 ₪
subject to availability, one hour before start of concert

Early booking for Festival Friends commences 17.7.2024
Ticket sales to the general public commence 23.7.2024
Tickets can also be purchased from 23.7.2024 at the Festival internet site:

Telephone 02 6250444
In person Festival Box Office, YMCA
Sunday – Thursday 10:00-14:00; 16:00-20:00
Friday 10:00-13:00
Telephone messages can be left outside box office hours

Visit the JCMF website for daily updated programmes, details of participating artists and other information www.jcmf.org.il

Parking tickets for the Washington Street YMCA Car Park are available for purchase
at 16 ₪ per hour.

Support us by joining the Festival Friends!
The donation for this year remains the same as in previous years, 500 ₪ per person

Programme subject to change
Exchange of tickets subject to availability
We regret we are unable to refund unused tickets

Yeheskell Beinisch, Adv. Chairman
Elena Bashkirova Artistic Director
Uri Dror, JMC Producer

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With great regret and after much deliberation, we have reached the difficult decision to cancel this year’s festival due to the current security situation.

All ticket holders will be fully refunded.
We hope for better times.

The next concert will start according to the program. The program is here.

The concerts will remain available on our YOUTUBE channel for future viewing after the live broadcast.

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